Monday, August 19, 2024

Blaugust 2024: Staying Motivated

 Ever had the itch to reply to someone online after seeing them post about an accomplishment?  Not a reply to say "good job", but an itch to comment on what they accomplished.  An itch to provide that feedback that is burning a hole in the back of your mind.  An itch that the original poster had no intent for you to scratch in a reply because they were never soliciting your feedback?  Turn that itch into motivation.

 It is "Staying Motivated" week for Blaugust 2024.

Staying Motivated Week (August 18th – August 24th) – As we get towards the end of the event, the activity can often trail off a bit. The goal of this week is to share some of your own tips surrounding how you keep motivated and stay focused on creating content. If you are new to the event, you might share some of the things that have helped you stay engaged during Blaugust.

 Over on Mastodon, Evan Prodromou tooted a thread that rang true for me and is excellent advice.  It fits right in the theme of staying motivated as it is an excellent way to source ideas for your blog.  Ideas that you have a keen interest in sharing because it already came to your fingertips but instead of firing it off into the void of social media you drop it on your blog for safekeeping.

 So next time that itch to tell someone they were did something slightly less efficient than you did strikes turn that into a blog post.  Make the blog-o-sphere better.  Feed those large language models with your own training data.

 Be like heartlessgamer!  One of the main driving factors that caused me to start blogging was lamenting lost forum posts as forums I frequented were getting shut down and posts deleted.  Starting a blog was my way to control my own posts and to contribute to the ecosystem of the Internet.  That same thread still motivates me today.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Once Human Animal Ranching Tips

 Need help with Once Human's new animal ranching feature?  Apparently most of us do because its a buggy mess.  With that said check out this Reddit thread with some tips as I found it helpful.

once human reddit ranching tips

Saturday, August 17, 2024

My Youtube Weather Guy: Ryan Hall Y'all

 It is Creator Appreciation Week for Blaugust 2024 and when this post publishes I am likely going to be deep into the outdoors camping again.  Part of getting ready for any camping trip is checking on the weather which means a stop in at Ryan Hall's Youtube channel to get his take on the current weather.  As I tell folks: he is my Youtube Weather Guy.

 I wouldn't recommend this as a way to get your local weather necessarily, but to get a big picture on weather across the United States he does a great job.  My kids love to watch him; especially around hurricanes since we can be affected by those that hit near us in the southeast.  He also tends to go live and provide really great updates during any major weather event.

 Check out a recent video:

Friday, August 16, 2024

New World Creator: Savvvo Games

 As part of Blaugust 2024's Creator Appreciation Week I want to take a moment to give props to a creator that is smaller but has stuck with pushing out content for New World through all of it's up and downs.  His content is free of the doom and gloom and hands out the information you clicked the thumbnail for.  That creator is: Savvvo Games

 Check out his video on the upcoming New World: Aeternum open beta for PC and console.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Once Human Creator: P4wnyhof

 It is Creator Appreciation Week for Blaugust 2024 so I wanted to take a moment to recognize one of my go to Once Human creators: P4wnyhof. You can find his entire Once Human playlist here.  He features a mix of build guides, boss fight breakdowns, and general commentary on the game.

 I found his take on the season resets to be really good. Check it out and dig around his channel if you are looking for help with the game.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Once Human Update 1.1 Patch Notes

 Once Human is trucking along with changes to the game and have a long list of patch notes coming in update 1.1 set to land on August 15th.  The update brings a new animal "ranching" system, an overhaul of the fishing system, improved base building, a new ancient trial, and a ton of balance changes.  There is a lot in the patch but a few items I wanted to touch on.

Once Human 1.1 patch animal ranching
Animal ranching in Once Human patch 1.1

 First is the headline addition to the game: animal ranching.  This will allow players to build enclosures to keep the various animals in the game.  Players will have to provide the right type of home and the right type of food to keep the animals happy.  With enough positive treatment players will be able to harvest skin and other byproducts from the captive animals.

 I think this is a neat addition and one I had not expected.  I am a fan of "farming" games so look forward to adding animals alongside my garden beds.  I hope this makes it less tedious to gather the animal byproducts needed for many crafting recipes.  It was annoying having to chase down herds of deer or pigs or rabbits and only end up with a couple items per harvest.  Compared to other systems such as mining/logging where you get hundreds of items per gathering attempt the animal harvesting was annoyingly slow.

Once Human 1.1 patch fishing
Fish and chill

 Fishing is also getting an overhaul.  The fishing system at launch was borderline functional and the mechanics from a user interface perspective didn't line up.  Sometimes you catch fish, sometimes you don't.  Choosing a bait from those available in the game also didn't seem to change anything.

 With the updated system a new stamina-based fishing system is coming into play that should solve the user interface situation.  There are also changes coming to bait and it is hinted at that certain baits, such as using fish you catch as bait, will increase the chance at certain predator fish species.  As a fan of fishing games and fishing in games I am looking forward  to the changes!


Once Human 1.1 chalk peak ancient one
Ancient One plane whale thing!

 There is also mention of a new trial for players who are willing to venture to the top of Chalk Peak.  Not much information is shared about the encounter that awaits players but the image (see above) shared looks really cool.  It alludes to having to jump onto a giant flying ancient one that is part flying whale merged with an airplane!  This is the sort of thematic flair that I love about Once Human!

 The patch also covers a lot of other areas that I want to make brief mention of:

  • Server invitations are coming so players can invite friends to locked servers.  It is not clear this can be used to transfer your character but it should help get new players onto your server with you.  There is still a maximum cap so could still lock players out.
  • Battle pass and cosmetic shop purchases will now be account wide instead of specific to one character.  Having restarted 3 times I've been waiting for my battle pass to become available on the character I finally settled on playing with!
  • They are nerfing some items that make players harder to kill in PvP which seems odd because many builds can one shot players in PvP.  If anything I'd of thought they'd make the defensive items more available to more builds so PvP wasn't a "who shoots first" affair.  With that said PvP is pretty terrible so not sure this changes much about it still being terrible.  I'll still play on PvP servers but not for the PvP right now... just the chance that PvP gets better in the future.

 Since it is also Creator Creator Appreciation Week (August 11th – August 17h) for Blaugust it is only fair that I share a Once Human creator that has covered the patch in more detail.  Go on over and check out MrApocalyptic's video.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

End Game Thoughts On Once Human: Finished LEA Research Labs

 I recently completed the endgame dungeon for Once Human's first season: LEA Research Lab. It was the toughest content I've faced in the game, requiring numerous attempts and different teams to conquer. Now that I’ve finally done it, I wanted to share some thoughts.

A screenshot from Once Human LEA Reserach lab
One of the LEA Research Lab bosses

 In my initial posts about Once Human, I noted how easy the game was. I was using the same gear I started with well into the later levels. I didn’t upgrade my gear until long after clearing all the normal mode max level content. Nothing in the open world or instanced dungeons (silos/monoliths) seemed to put up much of a fight. It’s worth mentioning that PvP is terrible in this game, so that didn’t push me to upgrade gear either.

 I did eventually upgrade my gear when the hard mode versions were released with phase 3 of the season. But honestly, I didn’t really need to, as hard mode was still too easy. With max-calibrated armor and weapons, hard mode felt no different than the rest of the game: easy.

 Phase 4 of the season introduced the pro modes. At first, tackling the pro mode silos/monoliths I’d done before didn’t present much of a challenge. I could solo them fairly easily, and playing duo with a gaming friend made them even easier. Pro mode initially seemed like just another way to burn through resources for bullets and repair costs.

 Then my buddy and I took on the big phase 4 content: the Forsaken Giant and LEA Research Lab. The Giant took a few tries, but the failed attempts were more about learning the mechanics (we went in blind) than about gear. Then we ventured into LEA Research Lab and hit a wall. We couldn’t finish it as just two players. We managed to get through three of the four challenges, but not the final one. Even when grouped with four players, our first teams failed. Had we finally encountered challenging content in Once Human?

 I’ll give a hesitant “sort of” in response. The lab is laid out in progressive stages, with fights that teach the mechanics for the final stage. The final stage then combines all the previous mechanics, along with a boss that, as my buddy put it, “won’t leave me the f!*$ alone” throughout the fight. It’s a long battle with overlapping mechanics, requiring solid coordination and fully upgraded gear to succeed.

 However, even with good gear and coordination, the unpolished nature of Once Human starts to show. Quirky movement, unreliable button presses, no line of sight for enemies hitting you, janky animations, desync between client and server—these issues didn’t matter much when the content was easier, but they rear their head in this final fight. This means a lot of the challenge comes down to battling the game itself rather than the actual encounter.

 Perhaps the most frustrating part is that by the end of the fight, even with max upgraded gear, all your armor—and sometimes weapons—are broken. No armor means everything kills you in one hit. A broken weapon means no damage. In theory, you could bring an entire extra set of gear or portable repair potions (if you’re lucky enough to have access to them, which I’m not), but that’s not a viable strategy in the middle of the fight. The gear damage happens way too fast. You shouldn’t start a single boss fight at 100% durability and end up at 0% and broken before it’s over.

 Another source of frustration is the line-of-sight and battlefield visibility issues. In the final phase, a lot of ranged attackers spawn, conveniently sitting in corners and behind walls, plinking away without line of sight. All you know is that you’re taking damage, often from something hitting you through the floor because they’re in a pit on the other side of the map. It doesn’t help that there are flying enemies throughout the fight as well, and with no way to get a wider view of the battlefield, you spend a lot of time not knowing what just killed you.

 Then there’s the hit detection issue. Guns are hitscan, so in general, they’re almost foolproof for hitting targets. But if you switch to melee (assuming weapon swap responds reliably), it’s a lesson in frustration. You might as well rule out ever being a melee-oriented build in this game. But that only applies to players—enemies, on the other hand, suddenly have massive range and hit detection well beyond where their attacks animate. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been hit when it looked like the enemy swung at the air. The animation is horrendous (which is easy to overlook in the rest of the game when you’re killing things in a few hits).

 The issues with the interact feature also rear their ugly head. For PC, this is the F key. In parts of the fight, you need to pick up objects to throw them at targets. It can be maddening trying to get one to pick up, and the animation is so slow that more deaths than not come from simply trying to pick up the item you have to pick up! Then mix in how terrible F can be when trying to revive teammates, and it’s just a big F in chat.

 If that wasn’t bad enough, the problems with weapon swapping come into play. Sometimes weapon swap works, and sometimes it doesn’t—or maybe it swaps, but then you press fire, and it swaps back to the other weapon. Even worse is trying to swap between a tactical item, like a grenade, and back to a weapon. More often than not, you end up throwing several grenades before realizing your weapon never came back up. They need to get tactical items off the hotbar and onto a dedicated button, like in any other shooter game.

 The inconsistent registering of actions extends to everything, it seems. Reload your gun? It regularly doesn’t register that the reload finished, and your next action cancels the reload. Apply a healing activator and the animation finishes, but the healing doesn’t apply until a second later, which means you accidentally cancel the heal, thinking it’s done. As mentioned, tactical items like grenades are very quirky.

 I’ve posted before that Once Human has no right to be as popular as it is. Any mainstream developer would get torched over how buggy, unfinished, and unpolished this game is. Yet the gaming community and players keep giving Once Human a pass. Even I am giving it a pass. I keep logging in. I keep playing. I keep fighting the game as the primary challenge, with the content’s difficulty level coming second.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Monday Screenshots: LEA Research Lab FINISHED!

 Just a single screenshot for today to mark that I completed the LEA Research lab in Once Human which is the end game dungeon of Season 1.

A screenshot from the game Once Human
Not the highest damage but landed the killing blow.

And since one screenshot is never enough; here is a giant tree I cut down.

A screenshot from the game Once Human
Big ole' tree!

A screenshot from the game Once Human
And it's down.  Sorry about your house.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

8/10/2024 Saturday Post

 Oh hey; there was a football game yesterday which means I need to get back to my posts about the games.  Which means a few minutes in making something that amuses me.

packers browns
1-0 ... undefeated in the preseason baby!

Saturday, August 10, 2024

My Gaming Mouse: Glorious Model I

 Simple Saturday post to round out the "Introduce Yourself Week" of Blaugust 2024.  Here is my current gaming mouse of choice: Glorious Model I (wired). Skip down for some thoughts.

glorious model i wired mouse
Model I (wired)

Reasons I like the mouse:

  1. The mouse is lightweight which I didn't realize I liked until I started using light weight mice instead of chunky "gaming" mice
  2. It has the classic shape that I've loved since my early days of PC gaming with similar shaped Logitech mice
  3. There are four side buttons

The only aspect I don't like about the mouse is the feel of the scroll wheel.  It is not my favorite scroll wheel but is not enough of a detractor to make me want to switch.

 If you are in the market for a new mouse I'd highly recommend checking out Glorious and their selection.