Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Once Human is LIVE!

 I'm in and playing Once Human.  I'll be on server North America PVP01-00003

June 2024 In Review

 June 2024 has come and gone.  Here is a look back (late delivery due to being in the middle of Nowhere, Minnesota for the last couple of weeks).

The Blog

Blogger provided number (last 30 days graph so a bit off)

 In other metrics:

  • Posts:
    • Target: n/a (with my big canoe trip I didn't have a target set)
    • Posted: 20
    • Difference: n/a
  •  Search Trends
    • "best battlefield game", "best battlefield", "best battlefield games" blew up last month and continues to dominate my search trends.  All thanks to this post: Best Battlefield!?
    • New World continues it's prominent spot with "new world roadmap 2024" right behind "best battlefield game" searches.
    • In the third spot is the search for "pax dei" where my post Pax Dei: Wilderness Alpha Feedback appears.

What I Played

 New World continues as my main game and I spent a lot of time in 3v3 arenas and the trading post.  The game has lost steam without much to do so we'll see how it ranks in July.

 I fished a bit in Russian Fishing 4 which was a change of pace but not sure it's a game I'll stick with.

 The surprise game of June though was the Once Human demo which ran for a week.  I was hooked on the game and looking forward to it's launch today (7/9) at 5 PM EDT!  Check out my Once Human posts.  I suspect this may break me from New World for a bit!

Years Ago

1 Year Ago

 In June 2023 I was hard at work grinding out my major combat trophies in pursuit of the ultimate combat trophies.  I finished my 3x major corrupted in the 28th.

 Oh and our vacation last year started with our rental bike getting stolen.

5 Years Ago

 June 2019 saw no blog posts on the blog and I cannot recollect what I was up to.

10 Years Ago

 In June of 2014 is when my blog drought occurred.  Crazy looking back that it lasted so long and amazing how life just gets in the way sometimes.

15 Years Ago

  June of 2009 was the month of Battlefield Heroes (which I still maintain as one of my all time favorite Battlefield experiences).  It was basically Fortnite-ish before Fortnite was a fart of an idea.

 This month also saw the merge of Bioware and Mythic after they were consumed by EA.

 Probably the most important update though was the fact I finally gave in and purchased my first microtransaction in a game.  Looking back it was a dumb purchase for a dumb game.  Now a days I don't really sweat buying something in a game if I am enjoying it, but back then it felt like I was breaking an unwritten rule.

 20 19 Years Ago

 Technically I have 20 named years on my sidebar, but mathematically 2005 is only 19 years ago.

 In June of 2005 I got screwed out of some loot in World of Warcraft and created a classic forum fire to go with it.  Ironically looking back I see that the guild the player was part of was Angels of Death which at the time I said "I will probably not group with any Angels of Death members anytime soon." which if memory serves me I never did until..... many years later in 2024 when I joined up with Angels of Death to play Battlefield 2042.  Small world out there.

 We also got the Battlefield 2 demo in June 2005 and I was enamored with it and have been a diehard Battlefield fan ever since.  2 is still my favorite of the series.

 And Dark Ages of Camelot was playing around with what we'd call a "classic server".

 Oh and we got battlegrounds in World of Warcraft.

 What a month!

Monday, July 08, 2024

Once Human Launch Times 7/9

 Once Human launches tomorrow but the specific time depends on your region. Consult the image below.  For me it will be 5 PM EDT.

Launch times for the game Once Human on 7/9

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

 If you are reading this post I am somewhere far away from any celebrations in the middle of nowhere MN and likely enjoying a nice quiet evening.  Hope you are enjoying your 4th of July!

Microsoft Designer / prompt: "an image to celebrate 4th of july.  I am a gamer who blogs."

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Single Shot from Bioshock Infinite

 Still browsing through old screenshots and realized I only seem to have one from the game Bioshock Infinite.  I enjoyed pretty much every game in this series and the premise behind Infinite was bonkers.  So much going on in that game.  My guess for this screenshot is I hit the button by accident, but that's OK because it makes for an easy post all these years later.

A screenshot from Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock what now

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Some Planetside 2 Screenshots from 2012

 Just digging through some old screenshots and unearthed these Planetside 2 screenshots back from 2012.  The game actually doesn't look too bad for it's age.  How time flies!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Assemble my fellow combatants!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Follow orders!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Ouch who shot me

Monday, July 01, 2024

Screenshot Monday: Relaxing in Ebonscale Reach

 By the time this post goes live I am likely many, many miles in the middle of nowhere on a off grid canoe trip.  So here is a picture of me relaxing in my Ebonscale Reach home in New World (as well organized as my real life one).

here is a picture of me relaxing in my Ebonscale Reach home in New World


Friday, June 28, 2024

I miss my monster truck in Just Cause 2

 I miss my monster truck from Just Cause 2.  Such a fun game!  Here are some screenshots to remember it by.

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2
What goes up must come down


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Do you remember Global Agenda?

 Do you remember Global Agenda?  I don't particularly myself, but I had a few posts on the game back in 2011 so spent some time with it.  Browsing through screenshots to share recently I came across this one from the game.

A screenshot from the game Global Agenda