Monday, July 08, 2024

Once Human Launch Times 7/9

 Once Human launches tomorrow but the specific time depends on your region. Consult the image below.  For me it will be 5 PM EDT.

Launch times for the game Once Human on 7/9

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Happy 4th of July!

 If you are reading this post I am somewhere far away from any celebrations in the middle of nowhere MN and likely enjoying a nice quiet evening.  Hope you are enjoying your 4th of July!

Microsoft Designer / prompt: "an image to celebrate 4th of july.  I am a gamer who blogs."

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

A Single Shot from Bioshock Infinite

 Still browsing through old screenshots and realized I only seem to have one from the game Bioshock Infinite.  I enjoyed pretty much every game in this series and the premise behind Infinite was bonkers.  So much going on in that game.  My guess for this screenshot is I hit the button by accident, but that's OK because it makes for an easy post all these years later.

A screenshot from Bioshock Infinite
Bioshock what now

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

Some Planetside 2 Screenshots from 2012

 Just digging through some old screenshots and unearthed these Planetside 2 screenshots back from 2012.  The game actually doesn't look too bad for it's age.  How time flies!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Assemble my fellow combatants!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Follow orders!

A screenshot from Planetside taken in 2012
Ouch who shot me

Monday, July 01, 2024

Screenshot Monday: Relaxing in Ebonscale Reach

 By the time this post goes live I am likely many, many miles in the middle of nowhere on a off grid canoe trip.  So here is a picture of me relaxing in my Ebonscale Reach home in New World (as well organized as my real life one).

here is a picture of me relaxing in my Ebonscale Reach home in New World


Friday, June 28, 2024

I miss my monster truck in Just Cause 2

 I miss my monster truck from Just Cause 2.  Such a fun game!  Here are some screenshots to remember it by.

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2

A screenshot of a monster truck from the game Just Cause 2
What goes up must come down


Thursday, June 27, 2024

Do you remember Global Agenda?

 Do you remember Global Agenda?  I don't particularly myself, but I had a few posts on the game back in 2011 so spent some time with it.  Browsing through screenshots to share recently I came across this one from the game.

A screenshot from the game Global Agenda

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Screenshot: Why are you in my bed?

 Months later and I still don't know why this guy is in the bed on my ship in Starfield.

A screenshot of an NPC in a spaceship bed in the game Starfield
Who are you!?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

I'll be in my canoe

nothern tier scouting america
Northern Tier

 I am off to Northern Tier with my son's Boy Scout Troop.  We'll be spending a week on the water canoeing the boundary waters between Minnesota and Canada.  I've scheduled some simple posts to go out on the blog while I am away so enjoy!