Tuesday, April 02, 2024

Day 1: New World Season 5

 New World Season 5 is here and there are a lot of changes to go with it.  Here are my Day 1 thoughts with a few of the changes.

 The major change is the rewrite of the combat code and animation system.  The good news is they didn't screw it up and anyone logging in today vs yesterday is not going to see anyproblems.  Combat feels snappier and more responsive.  After playing through an outpost rush (OPR) match all of my fears of this change going poorly were alleviated.  Well done AGS!

 Even outside of combat feels improved.  I tend to take the same route through the town of Ebonscale Reach which involves a lot of jumping and flying off edges using skills like Leaping Strike from my sword.  I have done these moves so many times they are ingrained in my memory and they feel so much better now with the changes.  I wish I had video to show the difference but alas I've not kept up my promising of recording video.

 Next are the armor weight balance changes; specifically looking at heavy armor.  My comments are formed off a single outpost rush match so take it with a passing grain of salt.  Through that match it... felt... the same.  I was tanky and did good damage and a solid K/D of 12/6.  Heavy melee, especially sword and shield/spear, were still dominant in the melee scrums.  I am sure the math works out that heavy damage is less but not sure it will feel that way for many.  I did see more heavy armor players get dropped though and at times I felt a little weaker defensively so we'll have to watch over time.

 One thing I didn't expect to talk about but sort of jumped right out at me is the PvP track reward updates.  As a PvP rank 200 player I am at the top end of the reward curve so I can't speak to the lower levels that get lower gearscore rewards now, but at least for me at 200 the item rewards are much more relevant.  My first track featured two 697 GS legendary swords and a 700 GS named amulet.  Also there is new PvP furniture for the house, which of course I bought immediately.  The high GS rewards were a nice change and I can see myself snagging some (which I did with the 700 GS amulet). 

A screenshot showing PvP track rewards in the game New World
There is a bug with item text but just some of the PvP track rewards for me today. 


A screenshot showing New World PvP track rewards after the Season 5 changes
Nice rewards!

 Last we have mounts enabled in OPR and boy did it feel different!  I really, really like seeing a swarm of players on mounts ride into the central fort on the map and all come flying off as the first attacks start dismounting players.  Tossing a giant fireball from one side of the fort to the other and seeing multiple players get dismounted is awesome.

 As far as my single OPR match went the immediate changes noticed was that all forts were constantly under contention and I saw more points flip and more points get contested than I can remember in any OPR match.  I attribute this increased fort fighting due to less folks getting bogged down on the roads.

 There is some strategy as well to dismounting players in OPR since ranged attacks cause players to get dismounted. If you control the central fort and can put ranged on the wall they can really slow down mounted players trying to skirt the fort.

 The baroness fight (aka baron) also changed a good bit due to mounts.  I saw more players make it to the baron fight and in my OPR match we had three baron fights.  Each fight had both teams present and each time baron was "sniped" by the team with less players.  Baron or fort fights the key is mounts lets players get to the action faster and more reliably and that feels good! 

Resting in my new Champion's Canopy Bed!

 Up next for me in Season 5

  1. New artifacts
  2. 3v3 arenas where I'll get a better sense on balance changes
  3. New season trial (not clear it was active yet)
  4. Cooking changes (we'll see if I care enough to check them out)

Monday, April 01, 2024

Windsward 300

 Just a milestone from New World.  I hit level 300 in Windsward town experience which is my first max level city.  Windsward is my main crafting hub and crafting is the fastest way to reach 300.  My next highest city is 170ish.

new world windsward 300

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Day 1: Path of Exile

 The crowd sourced decision was "yes" and I downloaded and installed Path of Exile yesterday.  I scanned through my options and picked the Templar and was off smashing the living dead on another starter beach.

A screenshot from the game Path of Exile showing the starting area and some loot
Starter beach; literally.

 Starting out the first thing I noticed was how "slow" the combat felt. I mostly arrived at Path of Exile's doorstep following the very complicated postings of Belghast on his blog Tales of the Aggronaut.  It was fascinating to me the level of complexity building a character in the game offered.  Along with the complex web of the game's skill tree were videos of action packed combat so I expected that to be the experience on starter beach.  Yet it wasn't!

 I don't want to sound like I am knocking the combat but when your head is filled with the idea you are going to be a bowling ball of destruction rolling across the screen it's a little off putting when it feels like an eternity for your avatar to swing their weapon. With that said I get that game's have to start off slow so player's can feel progress. 

 I made it off starter beach and into a shared hub of some sort where ! points lead me to my next quest objectives.  I turned in the starter quests and picked up some new ones.  As is my tradition I clicked through the conversations to get to the "just put it in the quest list on screen" step.  

 Some tutorial prompts directed me to look in my inventory so I got my first look at loot and gear in the game.  I immediately saw why folks call Path of Exile complex.  Even the starter gear I had collected was full of stats and effects.  I was then walked through adding gems to the gear.  These are not your "+1 damage" gems; these are "%4 mana gained when a specific attack is taken while an enemy is in Z state" levels of gems.

 Lastly I leveled up to the point in order to unlock a skill point and I dared myself to open the infamous skill tree.  Like gear, the skill tree is very complex.  It is a lot to look at, even more to grok, and even more to master.  This is the heart of the statement "Path of Exile is not for the feint of heart".  Complexity aside, I only had one skill point to spend and so I spent it on the first node that does more damage.

A screenshot showing how complex Path of Exiles skill tree is
I've got a plan...

  So what is my assessment after one day?  I don't think the game necessarily hooked me.  The complexity does intrigue me, but it also pushes me away.  Do I really want to become invested in another game right now? We'll see.  I'm glad I've given POE a try finally.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

MMORPG Alphas! MMORPG Betas! Oh my!

 2024 is shaping up to be a big MMORPG year.  Along that line new alphas and betas are coming soon for Throne & Liberty global launch and Pax Dei!

throne and liberty

 First, Throne & Liberty has announced their long awaited global beta for April 10th!  More details below:

The upcoming Closed Beta Test will start on April 10 at 1PM PT (8PM UTC) and run until April 17 at 1PM PT (8PM UTC). Selected players will receive their invitation via email on April 2, and will be provided a code via email on April 4 with further instructions on how to participate.

 I've signed up and am hopeful to make the beta.  I have a lot of interest in Throne & Liberty as it seems to be on of the few games really striking for the "massive" portion of MMORPG.  For some folks a PvP fight with 1,000+ players may seem muddled but to me it sounds fun.


pax dei

 Next up is Pax Dei with their next "Wilderness Alpha" phase coming.  Check the news post for more information.  If you end up signing up for alpha access feel free to enter my referral code "heartlessgamer_friends".

We just announced that our upcoming Alpha will start on April 23rd. In this post, we want to explain the delay and provide more details on what our teams have been working on during the past few months, as well as what you can expect to test this time around.

 The team looks to be making good progress with the game; specifically on the RPG side.  The sandbox building side looked to be in pretty good shape from previous alpha testing.  With this new alpha there is a hefty set of changes to animations, skills, and thus combat is changing.  The animations of the prior alphas was not polished so looking to see the changes.

 They also have new dungeons which look much better than the caves of the prior updates.

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

New World: Merge Day and Community Q&A

New world mmo logo
 New World is gaining momentum again. The server merges are scheduled for tomorrow, March 27th. Following that, the Season 5 update will be released next week on April 2nd. Additionally, the March community  Q&A update has been released.  Let's dive in!

 First, the server merge that is relevant to me.  US East/Castle of Steel is merging into Valhalla.  I am not deep into the server politics or war scene anymore so that aspect is irrelevant for me (though I am sure it will cause some grumpy faces for others).  What I like about merge days is the interruption to my daily routines.

 I have a consistent set of open world runs I like to go on.  I am not talking about elite chest runs; I am talking more about areas of the world I like to hit up and usually do so the same time every day.  With the merges I will get to see new faces and as I'm PvP flagged 90% of the time that means the fight may be on!

 Also with merge days comes the collision of trading posts.  In the past I'd have spent the better part of the week before merge scouring for deals to buy low and sell high post merge. This time around I am not putting that level of effort in but I do have stockpile of stuff ready for merge day.  I am also sitting on 300,000+ gold which is 200,000 short of the cap for gold so I can't generate too much wealth until the Season 5 update when gold cap updates to 1,000,000.

 The developers also took time away from Game Developers Conference (GDC) to give our March community Q&A.  

 I found this update to be refreshing and it restored some hope.  Nothing major was said but the team was more blunt in their responses which was helpful.  For example the team finally said "we are not working on adding daggers to the game" vs past statements that were wishy-washy such as "we think daggers are cool yadda yadda" which lead players to keep asking for updates on daggers.

 In that list of more definitive statements the team confirmed:

  • Daggers, as noted, are not being worked on
  • They are working on PvP updates for the game; more to come in the June announcement
  • They are NOT talking about the June update at this time
  • They are NOT working on a new OPR (outpost rush) map
  • They are NOT working to change town buffs
  • They are going to get rid of the perfect salvage pop up
  • We will get cross server 3v3 arenas in 2024
  • They believe they have a fix for the title spam on changing game modes for Season 5 (4/2)

 For me these answers were a breath of fresh air.  I liked the answers.  I continue to enjoy that the team confronts negative feedback and "stick to their guns" on topics.  I am frustrated like other players we have to wait for June for the next big info dump but at least they are confirming PvP is part of that update.  They seem excited about the big announcement so that gets me excited.

 This time next week we'll be playing Season 5 and fighting in the new combat code/animation system.  I am glad they chose 4/2 instead of 4/1 so we can all be spared the April Fools jokes should another delay occur.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Steam Backlog: Borderlands 2

 This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).

 With the lull in activity for New World I am back at it in my backlog of games on Steam.  Today I booted up Borderlands 2 and an hour later uninstalled it.  Here's my thoughts.

 This was actually my second go around at Borderlands 2 and it didn't take long for me to remember why I stopped playing the first time around.  For context, I loved the original Borderlands.  It was a fast looter shooter and was over before it overstayed it's welcome.  Borderlands 2 on the other hand bogs down as soon as you start.  The looting and shooting is still there but there is a good bit of waiting inbetween.

 To go along with the waiting I also had some technical issues.  Changing resolutions and windowed kept causing the game to not launch properly.  Then while playing, no matter the settings, I kept getting stutters intermittently.  Mouse sensitivity was all over the place and I was never able to figure out what was up between the game's settings  and my mouse's DPI settings.  I don't have issues in other games.

 Throw in technical issues and an early reminder starting a new game that there is a bit of waiting and I was bored fairly quickly and moved the game to uninstalled.  For the purposes of my Steam backlog though it is off the list!  Glad I picked it up in a sale :)

 Some screenshots:

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh... ah... pretty sky!

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh look a quest where... all I do is... wait?

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
Oh look... another quest where all you do is... wait?

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
I do like the intro screens but they are a bit too common to start the game out.

A screenshot from the game Borderlands 2 on PC
By the background you can see I was in the middle of shootin' when this game tip popped up freezing the action.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Spring Break Recap

The box cover of Ticket to Ride new york board game

 I'm back from Spring Break.  We hit the aquarium, zoo, museum, and a Lego Discovery Center.  Oh and I reminded the family of my gamer greatness by winning at Ticket to Ride New York.  Also lots of fishing; got my kids onto a school of crappies.  Love watching the 5 yo catch fish back to back to back to back to back to back (easily caught 100 of them through the week).

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Spring break from the blog!

 I am off to spring break vacation!  See y'all in a week!  

A little AI fun as we go out the door:

AI: Microsoft co-pilot

Prompt: a gamer going on vacation


Certainly! Here's a playful depiction of a gamer embarking on a well-deserved vacation:

🎮🌴 Gamer's Vacation 🌴🎮

In the pixelated world of games,
Where quests and battles endlessly unfurl,
Our dedicated gamer, controller in hand,
Decides it's time to escape the digital whirl.

🌅 Destination: Sun-kissed shores,
Where palm trees sway and waves gently kiss,
No respawn points or save files here,
Just golden sands and ocean's bliss.

🕶️ Gamer dons shades, inventory intact,
Sunglasses as epic as legendary loot,
They trade their headset for a sun hat,
Ready to explore, adventure afoot.

🏖️ Beachside quests await:
1. **Sandcastle Construction**: Gather resources,
   Build fortresses against the tide's assault.
2. **Seashell Collection**: Rare shells hidden,
   Like legendary drops, waiting to be caught.

🌊 The gamer wades into azure waters,
   Swims like a mermaid, no lag or latency,
   The sun's rays level up their tan,
   XP gained: Vitamin D proficiency.

🍹 At the Tiki Bar, they order a potion:
   **Mango Mojito +10 Refreshment**,
   Sip, recharge, and watch the sunset,
   Pixels fade, reality's enchantment.

📸 Selfie time! Gamer strikes a pose,
   Sand between toes, joy in their eyes,
   Caption: "Logging off, embracing life,
   Vacation mode: Activated. 🌴✨"

And so, our gamer finds balance,
   Pixels and pixels of a different kind,
   For even heroes need a break,
   To recharge, reset, and unwind.

Bon voyage, gamer! May your vacation be legendary! 🌟🎒🌞