Monday, April 24, 2023

Steam Backlog: Battlefield Bad Company 2

One of the best!

Funniest Battlefield ever sir!
 Next on the journey through my Steam backlog: Battlefield Bad Company 2!

 I am too obsessed with Battlefield 2042 currently to jump back into Bad Company 2 so this post will just be about my fond memories of destroyed battlefields!  This is one of my all time favorite Battlefield titles!

 Not only did this game have great multiplayer, but it also featured a great single player game.  In fact its the only single player campaign in the entire franchise that I can remember playing.  The characters were memorable and I can still hear "Rainbow Sprinkles"!

 Just watching that video brought back so many funny memories from this game's dialogue. I would even go as far to say that if Battlefield gamers were turned into virtual soldiers these yahoos would be the result.

 And talking about the rainbow sprinkles on the top: not only was Bad Company 2 amazing but so was it's Vietnam campaign.  For years I returned to play the Vietnam multiplayer.  Great maps and even better features! Ever see a helicopter airlift a tank into the middle of the battlefield?  Well guess what you can do in BFBC2 Vietnam!  Oh and the river patrol boats were overpowered... just saying.

 Regardless of Vietnam or the game proper the underlying gameplay was spot on.  Guns felt great.  Map destruction was top notch.  Vehicles felt balanced.  And one of the most controversial changes was removing the prone position.  If you wanted to snipe you had crouch as your best bet.  

 So many good memories here and this spot in the backlog is also timely as, unfortunately, EA is desisting Bad Company 2.


This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).  

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Another Diablo 4 Beta!?

 The rumor mills are in full motion this morning after a "accidentally" posted Slack message tweet hit the Twitter from Rod Fergusson.  It suggest a secret announcement is coming with the upcoming Diablo 4 End Game stream.

 Combined with a tweet from the official Diablo account the suspicion is we are getting another beta; likely focused on the end game content of Diablo 4. 
diablo tweet

Get ready to block your calendars folks!

Note: I am opting NOT to link to Twitter; so screenshots is all you get!

Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 Infernus dropped!  Woot!  The Infernus farming build and guide I put together paid off.

infernus bunny face
Look at that bad boy (the sword; not bunny face)!

infernus drop
It dropped! It dropped! Woot!

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Frustrating x4!

 Seriously!  New World developers... this is so frustrating.  To go with yesterday's picture; now I have four completed activities I can't get rewarded for.  This design is so dumb!

new world dumb

Monday, April 17, 2023


 New World developers: this is frustrating!  I've completed a task and there is no place to stamp it on my card.  This is dumb!

new world season activity card

Friday, April 14, 2023

Battlefield 2042 Shutdown

 Battlefield 2042 has a new special event, Leviathan Rising, and includes a game mode called Shutdown.  

Attack, Plant & Protect - Infiltrate enemy objectives & plant the Lances; a new mode objective in Shutdown, protect them, and score as many points as possible.

Defend, Locate & Disable - Locate and eliminate Lance Carriers, prevent their dropped Lances from being picked up, and defuse any that do get planted, with prejudice.

 Basically it is conquest but players get to plant the flag (the Lance).  It is also infantry-only so no vehicles.  Combat is all close quarter as the maps are small.  This is an entirely different experience than normal Battlefield.

battlefield 2042
 Personally, I do not find the mode to be much fun.  I enjoy the change in pace with the infantry combat, but matches can get lopsided quickly and it's pretty miserable spending 7 minutes (max for half of a round) getting killed repeatedly.

 This mode may be fun in a coordinated group, but as a solo player with unorganized teams this is a mess.  I will play enough to get the rewards but then I'm done and back to breakthrough.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

2 hours, 400 rabbits

New World: Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare

 After about two hours of grinding and killing 400 rabbits I have my Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare.

Defiled Storage Chest of the Hare

 Now to find a spot in the house I want to put it!

Internet Outage

Offline Gaming

 My internet was out this morning... of course the one morning where I woke up early to play some online games.  Instead I had to settle for offline gaming.  My offline game of choice is Wreckfest and I nabbed first place in a race on my favorite track: Tribend.  Woot!

wreckfest first place
Look ma! First place!

Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Rabbit Face

new world rabbit mask
Hip hop mother f*ckers
0.50% drop chance

 I jumped on to kill some corrupted bunnies in New World's "Rabbit's Revenge" event that started today.  One of the drops that is possible, with a 0.50% chance of dropping, is the Corrupted Rabbit Mask skin.  On my 6th kill; it dropped. Woot!

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Why are runeglass gems so expensive in New World?


 Just a quick gripe: why are runeglass gems and their components so expensive in New World?  The game actively requires players to change gems between content... why make it so runeglass gems and their components cost thousands of gold or hours to farm together materials?  Why can't they be on the same level as regular gems that cost a few hundred gold?


runeglass prices in new world
Look at these prices!