Steam is holding a Farming Fest event starting tomorrow. Get your farm game on! As I just got most of my garden planted out this past weekend I'll be on the lookout for a farm a chill game.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Farm Game Fest!?
Steam is holding a Farming Fest event starting tomorrow. Get your farm game on! As I just got most of my garden planted out this past weekend I'll be on the lookout for a farm a chill game.
Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Thursday, July 13, 2023
New World Steam Error: No product information found, cannot initialize Game (Fixed!)
I went to play New World today and I got an error launching the game in Steam: “No product information found, cannot initialize Game.”
I went over some old forum posts talking about disabling IPv6 in my network settings, but that was not relevant to my situation. I also tried to verify the game files in Steam and while it did download some new files it didn't fix the error.
Then I remembered I've had this before and the fix was just a full PC reboot. I rebooted and voila it was fixed. Sometimes the simple step of "turn it off and back on" is the best first step to take.
Monday, April 24, 2023
Steam Backlog: Battlefield Bad Company 2
One of the best!
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Funniest Battlefield ever sir! |
I am too obsessed with Battlefield 2042 currently to jump back into Bad Company 2 so this post will just be about my fond memories of destroyed battlefields! This is one of my all time favorite Battlefield titles!
Not only did this game have great multiplayer, but it also featured a great single player game. In fact its the only single player campaign in the entire franchise that I can remember playing. The characters were memorable and I can still hear "Rainbow Sprinkles"!
Just watching that video brought back so many funny memories from this game's dialogue. I would even go as far to say that if Battlefield gamers were turned into virtual soldiers these yahoos would be the result.
And talking about the rainbow sprinkles on the top: not only was Bad Company 2 amazing but so was it's Vietnam campaign. For years I returned to play the Vietnam multiplayer. Great maps and even better features! Ever see a helicopter airlift a tank into the middle of the battlefield? Well guess what you can do in BFBC2 Vietnam! Oh and the river patrol boats were overpowered... just saying.
Regardless of Vietnam or the game proper the underlying gameplay was spot on. Guns felt great. Map destruction was top notch. Vehicles felt balanced. And one of the most controversial changes was removing the prone position. If you wanted to snipe you had crouch as your best bet.
So many good memories here and this spot in the backlog is also timely as, unfortunately, EA is desisting Bad Company 2.
This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).
Saturday, April 01, 2023
Steam Backlog: Bejeweled 3
How did this get in here?
Next on the journey into my Steam backlog is Bejeweled 3. I don't ever remember buying this game or even remember wanting to buy this game. But it's in the backlog so it must be played!
The game is a straight forward puzzle game. Swap gems and line up three. Get lucky (or plan strategically) and an avalanche of combinations is possible. Line up more than three and get special gems that explode or have other effects on the board.
I put in my hour of playtime and feel satisfied enough to check this one off my Steam backlog checklist. My final score:
This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).
Wednesday, March 22, 2023
Steam Backlog: Batman: Arkham Asylum
Dark... Black
Batman: Arkham Asylum, of which I played 9 hours, was fun. It landed at a point in my life where I had just become a new father and I started spending more time in singleplayer offline games than I did in online multiplayer games. I never beat the game, but do have fond memories of it. Like other games I did not choose to revisit Arkham so just going to share some thoughts (see past posts tagged Batman:AA).
The first memory that jumps back to me is "dark... black". The game hit the mark for the cliche Batman "black". Everything is dark and brooding. I don't think "daylight" or "bright light" exist in the Asylum.
I also remember the combat and it was fun; albeit I do remember it being a little harder to master on keyboard/mouse than I expected. That did push me away from finishing the game (as well as having a young kiddo taking up my free time). With more time this is one I'd probably revisit to finish at some point.
This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).
Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Steam Backlog: Bastion
Narrator Narrates
I played Bastion for six hours when it came out and I loved every minute of it. It is not a game I chose to revisit and play as part of my Steam backlog journey but it brought back lots of fond memories (see all posts tagged Bastion).The most memorable aspect of Bastion was the narrator. It narrates every action the player takes and makes it feel like it was designed commentary when it is actually dynamic; ever-changing based on what the player is doing.
"The boy moves forward to smash the thing."
"The boy smashes the thing."
I didn't have to smash it. Did it know I was going to smash it? Was it leading me along? The narration is phenomenal in that regard and I can still hear the voice in my head. The game world, story, and combat itself was a ton of fun, but the narrator put it over the top.
At one point the game had me thinking hard about MMOs as well. Narration was a big idea; Bastion showed me that dynamic narration can work and that is exactly the type of narration an MMO would need. Then more aspects of the game spilled out of my brain into that blog post and if you told me tomorrow that a Bastion MMORPG was being developed I would be the first person in line. So much of Bastion make sense for an MMORPG.
Now that I've written this post I think I may have to revisit this gem!
This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).
Monday, March 20, 2023
Steam Backlog: Among Us
I will admit that I joined the bandwagon when Among Us swung back around in popularity well after it's original launch. I think it was AOC streaming it during the 2020 presidential run that really hooked me. We play a lot of hidden role board and card games in our house and I played a bunch of Town of Salem so I felt right at home in Among Us.The initial run was great, but I never got anything going with any gamer groups which I think is why I didn't spend more than a couple hours stabbing/getting stabbed by random internet strangers. Eventually I found it more entertaining to watch groups play than to play myself.
Among Us. Fun for a few, but otherwise a flash in my Steam backlog.
This post is part of my running series: My Steam Backlog (see all MySteamBacklog tagged posts).
Monday, March 13, 2023
My Steam Backlog
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Me |
Time to Play the Backlog?
Does anyone ever look at the LIBRARY tab of their Steam client and wonder what is all hiding under it? If it is anything like mine it is a long list of games you've bought and never played (or barely played). I've been contemplating working through this backlog.
It is actually a bit crazy when I look and see the size is 150+! Some of this is sprawl from games I've tried over time, but the majority are games I've bought and quite a few that haven't gotten much attention (some not at all!).
A quick shuffle through the list and by my count I have not played approximately 40 of the titles! That is 25% of games I've bought that I've never played. There is a much longer list of games that have been installed and played but not for any length of time.
So I am considering reviewing this backlog with a few goals in mind:
- Create a blog post for each game (which may include its expansions)
- If I played the game already it will just be about memories from the game
- If I haven't played the game or didn't play it enough to get a sense for it then I will play the game before posting. Goal will be at least 1 hour.
- Create some videos along the way
This is also cheat mode for next week when I will be away from posting. I will queue up a few posts from the backlog.
Do you play your Steam backlog? If so; leave a comment!
Saturday, December 31, 2022
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Town of Salem is fun

Games set up quickly with three players being assigned roles as mafia and being identified to each other mafia member. The rest of the players are divided amongst various town or neutral roles (including a serial killer who is out against everyone). At that point the premise is simple: mafia kill townies, townies figure out who the mafia is and lynch them. The fact the mafia know each other and the townies don't know anything other than their own role opens the doors for all kinds of social shennagins. Is that guy saying he is the jailor really the jailor or is he the godfather laying waste to townies at night? Throw in a handful of neutral roles such as the jester (who wants the town just to lynch him) to the aforementioned serial killer who is out to kill everyone and you have a very unique game of "who's who" and "who dun it?".
The game is available via Steam or their website.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Viewed: Free 2 Play
Free to Play, Valve's documentary trailing the stories of various competitors from DOTA2's first global tournament dubbed "The International", is now available for viewing on Steam. I had a chance to watch it this weekend and wanted to share some thoughts.
From outside view one might mistake this as just advertainment for DOTA2, but just a few minutes into the film it is very apparent that this is much more a human interest story about eSports and the athletes that pursue them than it is anything about DOTA2. In fact, you would be hard pressed to find anything of interest from the actual game of DOTA2.
With the actual game out of the way we are left with a very well shot and edited documentary that follows several of the players through the trials and tribulations of competing in the first million+ dollar tournament. True to the name of the tournament, players from different countries are followed.
The film does an excellent job of giving watchers a glimpse not only into the lives of professional gamers, but also the culture surrounding those players in their home countries. It is every interesting to see how the gaming culture is perceived in Asian countries vs countries in the west. However, even with dramatically different cultural movements in regards to eSport gaming there was a consistent trend of doubting family members, specifically parents. Yes, even in the gaming obsessed China the athletes mothers and fathers were just as disappointed in their children's investment into professional gaming at the cost of traditional education as the parents from the USA.
The core message of the film seems to be sacrifice. The sacrifices are well documented throughout the film and whether its a lost girlfriend, a missed semester of school, or hard thoughts of a father no longer with a son they all hit home with the viewer. These are real people pursuing a dream and I think most people can identify with that rare opportunity so few of use get to take that we can't help but cheer on those being followed in the film.
Of course it all comes crashing down for most of the competitors. Most teams left The International with nothing more than expensive bills for plane tickets, hotels, and meals. Unlike traditional sports there is no salary being earned by most eSport athletes. If the team doesn't win, they don't get paid. This adds up to interesting and heartwarming realizations from the participants after the tournament has come and gone. There is in fact more to life than just games.
I can't recommend this documentary enough to gamers and nongamers alike.
Embedded copy below:
Monday, September 23, 2013
SteamOS is the first foray for Valve into the operating system realm, but it should come as no surprise considering the leaps that their flagship digital distribution platform, Steam, has taken over the years. Steam has grown to a dominant place in the market and has continued to evolve. Everything from community hub pages to an active marketplace is included in Steam. It was growing into far more than a simple software platform and it now only seems logical that an operating system was the next step.
And here we are. SteamOS is real. Core gaming via Linux is here (and has been here to a degree for a couple years now). This is an exciting time for the PC gaming market. It marks the first shot fired in a war for not only the foundation of PC gaming, but for the concept of video gaming in its entirety. Valve is gunning for the living room where a PC makes just as much sense as an Xbox One. PC gaming is a concept more than it is a platform and it is one that the gaming market was well past due to recognize. SteamOS will proudly carry the banner into the trenches.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Too Many Assumptions: EU Court Ruling Allows for Re-sale of Used Digital Games by End-Users
I won't claim to be an expert in copyright law, but I do consider myself a logical thinker. Thinking this out a bit, I don't see anything in the ruling that forces a digital distribution platform to allow another user access to a game license bought by one of its other users. The license to a game can be transferred to another user, but access via a digital distribution platform is under a completely different license. The ruling may force the likes of Steam to allow user account sales, but it does not in any way look like it forces Steam to allow a different user access to a license you've resold. Theoretically, as you no longer own the license, Steam could deactivate your access to the game while the new owner is forced to procure the game files and installation methods independent of Steam.
In fact, it would be like buying a new game from Walmart and then having a law forcing Walmart to resell that game for the purchaser, deliver it to the new owners house, set it up for them and ensure it is in brand new cloned working order, and then provide all the monies to the original purchaser. It makes zero sense. Walmart sold you the game and if you resell it, it is up to you to figure out how to get it to the new owner and its then up to the new owner to have a method to use it.
Oh and there is a little United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruling (basically then upheld by the Supreme Court) for Vernor v Autodesk in the good ole' US of A which pretty much puts the kibosh on the reselling of software licenses.
Even if we were in fairy-tale land and the resale of used digital games was allowed, I wouldn't want it. The sale of used physical copies of games already forced developers into the models we currently have. Downloadable content (DLC) and the piecemeal sale of games is a direct result of developers looking at ways to get around used game sales. Every developer now is building or has built online service platforms around their game franchises to lock features behind pay walls.
I much prefer the path the PC gaming industry is actually on: free 2 play (F2P). Players want to pay for games and are more than willing to happily spend away on games that keep them engaged. The F2P model allows them to try before they buy and then show the developer in a tangible way what they like about the game.
There is so much doom-casting about the current gaming industry that we are all missing the fact that the PC gaming industry has completely transformed itself over the past two years. Reselling of digital licenses for digital games would be a huge derailment.
Wednesday, February 01, 2012
DOTA 2 isn't a game; it's an interactive experience!
Since starting to get involved with League of Legends I have spent a lot of time learning about the history of DOTA and the MOBA genre. Defense of the Ancients, henceforth DOTA, was a mod to Warcraft III that featured teams of five players battling it out with NPCs and towers before destroying the opponents "Ancient". From those simple beginnings, DOTA grew to become massively popular. It's probably responsible for more Warcraft III sales (you need a copy to play the mod) than the actual RTS itself.
When I first started looking into DOTA there was a bit of misconception on my part (and most of the Internet apparently) about how popular it was. The numbers are highly disputed and even harder to nail down. Due to it being a mod, not officially supported by Blizzard (though they like to think it's their property), there is no press releases announcing its player numbers. However, through the website, the DOTA lead developer Icefrog noted that approximately 7-10 million players have grabbed the game. And as that's not tracking China, there is speculation the real number is somewhere nearer 20 million. Originally I had come to the conclusion that there was about a million DOTA players worldwide.
So I suppose there is no time like now to admit I was wrong about DOTA's popularity considering I was invited to participate in the beta for Valve's DOTA 2. I may also need to retract my statements where I said DOTA 2 wouldn't be very popular. After playing the beta I'm absolutely floored at how smooth of an experience DOTA 2 is. It's one of the best beta tests I've ever participated in and there is so much more going on than just the game itself. The game is great, but the entire package it's wrapped in is what sells the title.
Before we get too far, let me back track. A lot of people assume my hate of DOTA 2 was coming from my long-standing support for League of Legends. I like League of Legends (LoL). LoL has taken the DOTA formula and made many improvements to it. LoL has done many, many things right and like DOTA2 it spent a lot of time on delivering the "complete package" rather than just the game play. LoL is a resounding success (to the tune of 30+ million accounts). LoL is also free 2 play, which makes it even more amazing as anyone can give it a try.
Now I could spend a lot of time detailing the differences between LoL and DOTA2, but I won't. The important thing to know is that LoL sought to create an update and refreshed version of DOTA while DOTA2 has only sought to recreate DOTA in a new graphics engine (Source) and tie it to a unified platform (Steam). When I had first heard this, I was very disappointed.
DOTA has many frustrating mechanics imposed on it due to the fact it was restricted by the Warcraft III engine. And as DOTA2 is a clone of DOTA being put into a new graphics engine, all of these mechanics were going to be copied over. As DOTA2 has progressed in development it has been very clear that DOTA and DOTA2 are aimed at being the same game. In fact, Valve hired on the lead DOTA developer, Icefrog.
To me that didn't make sense (and even now doesn't make much sense). Why free this game from the shackles of the WC3 engine only to keep the ball and chain? LoL was a smashing success because it dared to be different enough from DOTA while maintaining the classic game play everyone loved. Valve seems to have no interest in improving the experience of the DOTA game play. To them, why fix what isn't broke? While I'd argue that it may not be "technically" broke, some things are just kind of stupid from a design perspective.
But don't let me get off on tangents here. I was hating on DOTA2 because of Valve's seemingly unwillingness to improve on the DOTA experience which I had classified as the game itself. I was being ignorant to the fact that the game play of DOTA was only half the package. The exterior features were just as important and OH MY GOD did Valve hit a home run here.
The first time I logged into DOTA2 I was blown away at how slick the interface was. To my left showed me active users broken down by geographical area. A news feed scrolled the center. And most amazingly, live games that I could log into and spectate were on the right. A click later and I was watching a scrimmage match between some of the best known DOTA2 players in the world along with 200 watchers.
While there are live streams from top players for League of Legends and DOTA, there is nothing that compares to what Valve has put together. The spectator in DOTA 2 is actually in the game, clicking around, directing the camera, pulling up the scoreboard when they want to see it, and they are having a wonderful interactive experience. The difference is that of watching TV (streams) vs playing a video game (DOTA 2 observer mode). I've never enjoyed being a spectator of a video game until I spectated a match of DOTA2.
And in reality that is the point I'm trying to get at: DOTA 2 isn't a game, it's an interactive experience. It's true digital content for the digital consumer. League of Legends is to a degree the same, but it's not built-in (yet!) the way DOTA2 is. If and when LoL is able to build in some of the "digital consumer" features that DOTA2 features it will be equally as stunning (and IMHO LoL is an easier game to understand and spectate than the sometimes overly complex DOTA2).
DOTA 2 isn't perfect. It still has a long way to go to get all of the DOTA heroes added and kinks worked out (and by kinks I mean high skill level type stuff that 99% of the playerbase doesn't notice). The underlying tech is there and the game is solid as it is for the general populace. Yes, some annoying mechanics are going to exist in DOTA2 and that may or may not change with Valve at the helm (as I doubt 2 is going to diverge from the original anytime soon). The only real questions for DOTA2: when is it releasing and will it be free 2 play?
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning Demo Reviewed
KoAR starts as almost any RPG starts by providing an origin story for the player's character. In this case, the player's avatar died on a foreign battlefield and their body dumped into the Well of Souls. As luck would have it, the Well of Souls ends up working to restore the character to life. It is a very organic introduction to the game and setting up the player's character. It also gives a blank slate entrance into the world and sets up a plausible re-spawn scenario.
Once resurrected from the pile of bodies in the Well of Souls, the player is whisked through some battles. Apparently the "bad guys" are attacking the Well of Souls. A few combat training scenarios later the player is on their way.
The combat felt very "actiony" (if such a word were to exist). However, after a while I felt like i was just left and right clicking like mad. The controls were as expected (WASD movement, click to attack), but I couldn't quite figure out how to hot key cast spells. It required a button press and then a right click. I'd much have preferred just to press a button.
One glaring problem I had with combat was targeting. Many times it looked like my avatar was targeting a specific monster only to unleash my attack in a completely different direction. Or just the opposite, I was charging an enemy down and attacked only to have the attack choose a target to the side. Fortunately, once hitting a target the game does a good job of keeping the player locked on. The combat varies a good bit based on the weapon selected and it was refreshing to see that spell casters could still handle themselves in melee combat.
Even with the targeting issue, the system showed promise. The move to action combat is a welcome sight for open RPGs and KoAR does a good job to fit the action in with the rest of the RPG goodies. There are still potions and other things to do all accessible via quick menus that work very well. The menus are well laid out and offer mouse click or hot key movement. I found most of the UI intuitive from character level ups to inventory management.
Overall I think KoAR will be a good RPG, but it still feels and looks generic. The action combat helps separate it from the crowd a little bit, but I'm not sure it will be the game's ticket to success. I think the keys to the game are locked outside of the demo. The supposed open world, non linear progression, and complex destiny ( aka class ) system may sell the game to the RPG faithful. I'm interested to see how the game does.
After playing the demo I wouldn't buy the game myself, but that's because I'm pretty spoiled by Steam sales and have a back log of great RPGs to play. At a later date with a good sale I would feel comfortable buying this.
View my screenshots here.
Monday, January 02, 2012
2012, the first post
I kept the predictions light for 2011 and I'll tackle all five of them in one go:
1. World of Warcraft will maintain its dominance.No doubt World of Warcraft is still top among MMOs, but to say its maintained its dominance is ignoring the fact that WoW took a significant hit this year and had to break out the pandas to keep people's interest. In the larger genre of persistent online games, League of Legends has soundly trumped WoW's numbers with over 30 million active users and concurrent user numbers well beyond that of WoW.
2. Free 2 Play will continue its march forward and many will consider 2011 the year that F2P becomes the dominant business model not only for MMOGs, but for any online game (MOBA, FPS, etc.)There is no doubt that Free 2 Play has landed with most major publishers having already published or considering to publish a F2P title(s). 2011 also marked the arrival of F2P on Steam; the premier digital distribution platform for games. The subscription MMOs fell like flies to a flyswatter this year as several joined the F2P ranks and enjoyed immediate success.
3. "the game that shall not be named" will NOT launch this year.OK, it squeaked into 2011, but just barely.
4. The "next generation" Xbox will be announced by Microsoft. Nintendo and Sony will stay with their current generation.I was way off here. Xbox 360 is marching strong and Playstation 3 is still playing third fiddle. Nintendo, of all companies, is the one out front with news of their new Wii U console.
5. This blog will be completely different and may actually feature commentary and experiences from games I'm actually playing.Proof: I posted about Fallout: New Vegas and I actually played that game!
Now onward and upward to my predictions for 2012 and beyond
1. The world will not end. (just wanted to get that one out of the way)
2. I will post more than I did in 2011. (just wanted to give ya'll something to look forward to)
3. "the game that shall not be named" will have a tough year, but will survive. The argument to take the game Free 2 Play will begin around July.
4. Warhammer Online will be shut down this year.
5. DOTA2 will launch, but fail to make much more than a drip into the MOBA scene.
6. League of Legends will hit 50 million players and still be flying under the radar in the online gaming market
7. A major game will "surprise launch" this year with little to no notice and possibly be Free 2 Play
8. Indie games will continue to creep into the spotlight and we will see another Minecraft-level indie break out this year
9. At least 4 of these predictions will be right :)
Monday, December 19, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Cyber Monday Gaming Deals
Last day to cash in on the Steam sale!
Friday, November 25, 2011
TIP: How to move Steam games to another drive in Windows 7/Vista/XP
Or for those wishing to do it the old manual way, I will detail the process used to move 3rd party games to another drive. This will be for Windows 7