Showing posts with label Monday Screenshots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Screenshots. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2025

Monday Screenshots: No-UI New World Aeternum

 I finished the new main story quest for New World Aeternum on my alt character on the seasonal PvP server.  Along the way I took some no-UI screenshots.  Enjoy!

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Riding past a shattered obelisk

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Shattered Mountain in the distance

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Not part of the MSQ, but a shot from the Glacial Tarn expedition

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
This ghostly tree was part of the original MSQ and I was happy to see it still there.  One of the iconic moments from the original MSQ.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Finishing a soul trial (solo boss fight)

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
I always enjoyed the visuals of the corruption areas and while the MSQ no longer goes through the Tempest Heart expedition there is still a visual replacement in one of the new MSQ's solo trials.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
More corruption.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
This floating island is new and I was disappointed that so little time was spent here.  I need to go back and see if I can get back to it now that I am done with the MSQ.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
One underappreciated part of New World is that many of the props, such as this bench in a camp site, can be interacted with.  Here I am catching a break sitting around the campfire.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Isabella still sits at the end of the MSQ.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Inside the new solo trial boss fight with Isabella.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
When I saw this view I needed to stop and take a shot.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
Riding off into Brimstone Sands after defeating Isabella and finishing the first leg of the MSQ.

A screenshot with no UI showing from the game New World Aeternum
I didn't remember this hidden chamber hiding in Brimstone Sands so grabbed a shot for the scrapbook as I mined away on a stone scarab I defeated.


Monday, January 13, 2025

Monday Screenshots: Winter Warrior No UI

 Every now and then I like to hide the UI in New World and sit back and admire how great the game looks.  I took a shot during the Winter Warrior event that is finishing up in the near future.

Later on I grabbed a no-UI shot in Cutlass Keys. If you look closely you will see a couple different players ascending the tower in search of doubloon-filled chests.

This game looks so great at times!

Monday, December 16, 2024

Monday Screenshots: MVPs

 I scored back to back MVP nods in Marvel Rivals over the weekend.  One playing The Punisher and the other playing Hela.  I wanted to share the MVP screencaps and some thoughts on each hero.

The Punisher

The Punisher MVP screen from Marvel Rivals
15 kills / 2 deaths and a clutch quad kill

The Punisher is the first hero that Marvel Rivals players get to experience in the tutorial and I pretty much fell in love from that moment.  He has both range and close up potential as he sports a machine gun and a shotgun.  He also can deploy a stationary turret that he can use to mow down the enemy.  To help him get in place he can deploy ziplines and use smoke grenades.  His ultimate ability turns him into a pumped up machine gunner with shoulder rockets firing down on targets.

The biggest downside to playing The Punisher is his lack of mobility.  While the zipline grapple can sometimes get you out of trouble it is far too unreliable to be a consistent escape mechanism.  It is far better to use the zipline to get in a better position against the other team.  If another duelist or a tank gets in close to me while playing The Punisher it doesn't end well most times but there is something I've gotten better at that helps.

The Punisher has a second weapon with his shotgun and I see many new players overlook this.  It is a strong close range weapon and can delete soft targets up close but is slow between shots and even slower on reload so you have to hit your shots.  The shotgun is also a remarkable tank killer.  You won't win a 1v1 with a tank but if you are pushing an enemy tank or trying to finish one off there is no better weapon to get the job done.

A few things I'd like to see the game fix with The Punisher:

  • The grapple zipline is unreliable because it is not clear what parts of a map can be attached to and which cannot.  I am sure this affects other heroes like spiderman as well.
  • The smoke grenade needs work.  The smoke lasts for almost no time at all and it is easy for enemies to just push through.  Either add a stun to the smoke grenade if it hits a target or give more control to the player on the pushback so they can use it to juke enemies.
  • Many other heroes get some form of health boost or protection when activating their ultimate.  The Punisher does not and with his clear announcement that he is entering his ultimate it is not hard to find and focus fire him down before his ultimate finishes activating.


Hela MVP screen from Marvel Rivals
EZ PZ 18 and 2 match

Hela is probably the strongest duelist (aka DPS) hero in the game.  She is sniper-like with her throwing daggers/swords and has outstanding mobility as she can shapeshift into a bird to escape or reach a perch from which to snipe from.  She also gets a stun orb and can float slowly down instead of falling.  Her ultimate boosts her health and launches her to float above the battlefield while she unleashes bombs.

I honestly only started playing Hela after getting repeatedly wrecked by her in many matches.  There is also a lot of feedback in the community that she is overpowered and after playing her a bit I would have to agree.  She is easy to play and get kills with.  She can lock down areas chokepoints and almost always escape danger with her stun and shapeshifting.  She is also very strong against tanks and if you can land headshots she is the "tank killer" most competitive team comps rely on.

She needs a nerf.

Monday, December 09, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Cuteness Overload

 I had written Marvel Rivals off as a Marvel cash grab, but then I saw the game had breached 400,000 concurrent players on Steam so I had to check it out.  What I found was an enjoyable hero shooter with a spot on super hero feeling.  One of those heroes happens to be the cutest darn land shark you've ever seen.  Meet Jeff the Landshark!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark
Hi Jeff!

 Jeff is a support hero that focuses on healing and powering up teammates.  He does this in adorable fashion by rolling around and then going underground to do his "land shark" thing. Every-now-and-then he turns on his back and flipping a fish snack up in the air to reload his healing power.  Once charged up his ultimate shark attack swallows enemies and teammates alike and either can be spit out or better yet, for the enemies, is to just swim off the map with them.

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
The land shark can also climb walls!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Who's the cutest MVP?  Jeff!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Jeff Jeff Jeff!  MVP MVP MVP! 6 kills, 1 death, 25 assists - top healing, assists, and a 4 KO ultimate

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
The stats so far; not a great win rate but still a ton of cuteness!

marvel rivals jeff the landshark screenshot
Oh and did I mention Jeff can ride on Groot's shoulders for a team up moment?  Bad screenshot but you get the idea.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Brighter Shores

 I gave Brighter Shores a few minutes of my time and well... no... just no.  These screenshots will be the only record of my time in the game.

brighter shores title screen
Almost feels like an AI-generated title image... and the buttons feel like a game from 25 years ago
a screenshot of the game brighter shores
Another world, another "heartlessgamer"!

And that's it.  I didn't play too much past the tutorial.  The game is clearly for an audience other than myself.  It feels like a game meant for web browsers 25 years ago.

Monday, November 11, 2024

Monday Screenshots: I really like my chair

 I really, really like my chair throne in Throne and Liberty.  I show it off whenever I get the chance and these screenshots show that!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting on my throne

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting in my throne waiting for a world boss to spawn

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting on my throne in a co-cop dungeon

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting on my throne waiting on another world boss spawn

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting on my throne getting ready to take on Talus

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty showing the throne emote
Sitting on my throne getting ready for Adentus (aka the dentist) fight to start

Monday, November 04, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Throne and Liberty Halloween

 Some screenshots from the Halloween Event in Throne and Liberty.  I think the team did a really good job on the visuals here!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Lots of pumpkins!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Halloween dungeon; get in the flying pumpkin!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Don't forget to block or enjoy your flight into the abyss!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Pumpkin boss mechanic; get in the pumpkin to avoid the wipe!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
F this pumpkin.  If you know; you know.

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Amazing decorations at Purelight Tower!

A screenshot of the halloween event in Throne and Liberty
Obligatory armor skin: the pumpkin helmet

Monday, October 28, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Daily and Weekly Checklist for Throne and Liberty

 I’ve described Throne and Liberty as a “chore” to play, but I keep logging in because my friends are there, and I do find some moments of enjoyment. Since I’m sticking with it, I decided to get organized and establish a daily and weekly routine. Part of that involves visiting specific vendors to buy time-gated items they offer. I came across a helpful image on Reddit that breaks this down, and I thought it’d be useful to share. 

Note: The only item I don’t fully agree with is the Rare Parchment. You can earn 33 of these by completing a single contract, so I don’t see much value in spending contract coins on them. Contract coins are hard to come by, so I’d rather save them for other items. However, if there’s nothing else you need from the contract coin vendor, the Rare Parchments could be worth picking up.

throne and liberty daily and weekly shopping list
Your Throne and Liberty daily and weekly shopping list; see notes above about Rare Parchment!

Monday, October 14, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Throne and Liberty Post Helene

 A quick catch up if you haven't followed my Hurricane Helene posts.  I played a few hours of the early access launch for Throne and Liberty; right up until the hurricane took out my internet.  Fourteen (yes, FOURTEEN!) days later we got internet back via TMobile 5G home internet. Unfortunately it's not ideal for gaming due to poor signal at our house, but I did give it a go with Throne and Liberty.

 There were lots, and I mean lots, of deaths.  Disconnecting in the middle of a fight or more fun; lagging as you approach a cliff and learning that there is fall damage in Throne and Liberty.  But I at least got to grab some screenshots to share!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Heartlessgamerr (with two Rs)

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Completing a public event

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Flying over areas never gets old in this game

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Amitoi house where you send your little minions on missions to get you free stuff

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Waiting for the giant flying whale

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Love the size and scope of this castle

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Puzzle quest

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Another shot of the large castle

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Upgrading green gear to 6 to then transferring it to blue gear

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
More upgrading gear!  Oooh... Ahhhh... pretty!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
My first PvP event... I died a lot since I am well behind on level