I have the gmail: heartlessgamer_at_gmail.com
I have heartlessgamer in almost every online game service since the dawn of the Internet.
But I guess having it since the dawn of the Internet is not enough for services like Discord to ensure I get to keep it when they randomly decide they need to change their username system. So now on Discord instead of being heartlessgamer I am relegated to .heartlessgamer (yes a DOT f'n period in front).
This is the dumbest change I've seen any system make in a long time. There was literally nothing wrong with the username system in discord that used random numbers afterwards. All of us heartlessgamers of the world existed just fine. But now someone else is heartlessgamer and I am DOT FREAKING .heartlessgamer
First it was losing my Youtube handle (a true headscratcher considering I own the domain via Google's blogger platform and gmail for the "handle" of heartlessgamer) and now it's Discord. Screw these platforms changing their username systems and not giving priority to clear long term owners!