Showing posts with label Deadlock. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deadlock. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 05, 2025

Deadlock makes big changes; still a MOBA

 A lot has been going on with Deadlock lately.  It recently became the most wishlisted game on Steam.  There were also a sweeping set of changes to how the game plays along with a revamped map.  Because while players are wishlisting the game players are also able to play the invite-only early access alpha beta testing version of the game.  Honestly, who a I kidding here?  The game is effectively a live game and its a MOBA.  And it's still a MOBA even after all of the changes that were made recently.  And to me that is a damn shame.

 First lets look at Deadlock's popularity since its invite-only test launched.  It rocketed up to 170,000+ peak concurrent players but has steadily dropped since and now enjoys about 17,000 peak concurrent players.  Considering it is a new game from Valve those are not huge numbers.  For comparison Valve's other MOBA, DOTA2, sees 600,000+ peak concurrent players and while not its absolute peak it is not far off.  DOTA2 also saw a steady climb from it's earliest test periods (i.e. there was no drop off as we are seeing with Deadlock).

deadlock steam charts
Chart from SteamDB

 So Deadlock is on a downward trend in it's early access phase which makes you wonder if that downward player trend is resulting in the team reconsidering the design of the game.  With the most recent changes many of the gameplay aspects that set Deadlock apart from other MOBAs are being replaced with standard MOBA fair.  The map went from 4 lanes to 3 lanes.  Last hitting became more static.  Mobility and map traversal is reduced.  Basically Deadlock is more like any other MOBA that has come before than it has been at any point in it's early life.

 For me personally the biggest disappointment of Deadlock is that it still remains a MOBA.  Why is Valve making another MOBA?  The theme of Deadlock is fresh and new.  There are so many more interesting things Valve could be doing with that theme.  And so far it seems players are saying the same thing by voting with their playtime.  16,000+ peak concurrent players is nothing to sneeze at but its tiny for a Valve game.

 Maybe I have too high of expectations for Valve and bringing a new game to market that doesn't fit into their stable of existing genres.  Even so it still seems like a waste that the creativity behind Deadlock, it's world, and it's characters is just for another MOBA.  Maybe I'm just not like other gamers with my expectations.

Thursday, January 02, 2025

Dec 2024 in review!

December 2024 is in the books so let's take a look back at the blog over that month.

The Blog

Blogger stats for Dec: 23,527 visits


web traffic graph for Dec 2024
Note: this is the last 30 days graph as of 1/2 so off by a day or two

 In other metrics:

  • Posts:
    • Target: 15 (weekdays minus holiday weeks/vacation)
    • Posted: 10
    • Difference: -5 (took some time off blogging just because)
  •  Search Trends
    • "new world inferno build", "inferno build new world", "new world flamethrower build" have been gaining momentum since New World Aeternum (NWA) launched thanks to my build post: Frigid Inferno Build. I need to take this rise in the search rankings as a sign that I need to update the build for all the changes with NWA (though it mostly stayed the same).
    • "new world roadmap 2024", "new world 2024 roadmap", "new world road map 2024" dropped off the search radar this month which is not surprising as we enter 2025. This reminds me I still haven't posted about the "living roadmap" the New World developers gave us.
    • "best battlefield game", "best battlefield", "best battlefield games" is proving it has a long run as it proceeds to drive traffic to Best Battlefield!? but that may be ending soon as I found this note on my Google Search Console today.

      • a google search console alert

    • "deadlock invite not showing up", "not getting deadlock invite", and other Deadlock invite related searches keep driving traffic.   I am amazed they still have an invite system for the game's test version with how much trouble it causes and how steep of a player count drop off the game has experienced.
    • Last, but not least, was "quitting throne and liberty" which directs folks to, no surprise, my post on "Why I quit Throne and Liberty"

What I Played

For December I was back in New World smashing  faces in 3v3 arenas and outpost rush matches.  I've also spent some time hitting the winter event to get some of the rewards I've not gotten in the past (skins; gotta collect 'em all).

Marvel Rivals was a surprise hit this month for me and I've put in a good number of hours.  I really enjoy the game.  I am not sure its a long term game as hero shooters wear me out and there is not enough with Marvel Rivals to separate itself from that trend, but for December it was a big hit in my playtime.

I gave Brighter Shores a few minutes of my time and this Monday Screenshots post is all you are going to get out of it.

I also took a moment to try out Deltaforce and if you told me I was playing Battlefield 2042 I'd of believed you.  It is a literal clone of the game to the point the UIs look almost identical.  I was going to make a post about this but it is not worth the time and effort.  I do find it sort of crazy how the community is giving Deltaforce a pass

Years Ago

1 Year Ago

December 2023 marked a momentous "gamer dad" moment for me as we gifted my oldest son his very own gaming PC components and I got to watch him put it together.

The Finals surprise launched and I recorded my first win.

Groundhog Day had me thinking about modern storytelling in video games.

5 Years Ago

Dec 2019 was in the 'not a lot of blogging' era and nothing comes to mind.

10 Years Ago

In Dec of 2014 the biggest event recorded was that I upgraded my GPU.

15 Years Ago

In Dec of 2009 Borderlands (the original) was the hot game and I wrote this review.

I also decided to go back to Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR) and give it 10 more days of my time.  You can check out my "10 Days of WAR" posts by starting here.  To no surprise I was done playing the game, again, after the 10 day experiment.

 20 19 Years Ago

Technically I have 21 named years on my sidebar (since I am posting this in 2025), but mathematically December 2005 was only 19 years ago.

In Dec 2005 we were speculating the Draenei were the next race coming to to World of Warcraft which eventually turned out to be true. 

Oh and I became somewhat of an early viral celebrity with an article I wrote for the Gamergod (now defunct) website discussing why MTV was doing a better job at games journalism than actual games media.  I was mentioned in a GU Comic (now defunct) about it (which I used the wayback machine to go nab a copy of to include here and in the original post).  You can also use the wayback machine to read the forum thread for the comic.

an old gucomic mentioning me
"a guy" = me

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Initial Impressions: Deadlock

Deadlock early impressions

 Valve’s new project, Deadlock, has landed in a surprise invite-only alpha test, and I found it to be a mixed bag. It’s a shooter-MOBA hybrid that, while ambitious, feels like it’s struggling to figure out what it really wants to be. There’s potential here but there’s a long way to go before this one can be called a hit.

 Deadlock has you running around as a hero, shooting at enemies while juggling MOBA-style lane control and minion management. Movement’s a big focus—you can dash, double jump, and wall run, which sounds great until you realize that these mechanics are not for your average gamer. It’s fun when it works, but for anyone who hasn’t mastered both the art of twitch shooting and MOBA strategy, good luck. The learning curve is steep, and for players like me, it feels frustrating.

  Visually, Deadlock isn’t anything groundbreaking. If you’ve played Fortnite, Overwatch, or any number of other recent Valve games or hero shooters, you’ll know what to expect. What’s more interesting is the setting: prohibition-era New York with occult undertones (forget where I saw this description but I'm stealing it). It’s an unexpected backdrop and what sold me on the game, but it feels like a wasted theme on a MOBA.

  The community’s early reactions, which are, unsurprisingly, all over the place. Some players are digging the mashup of genres and are already organizing tournaments which seems a bit crazy considering the game is in early testing and things change every couple of days.  The biggest issue though has been the invite system where other testers can invite friends to play.  It was (and may still be) plagued with issues.  It took me weeks to get access where others got an invite within hours.  The invite approach has also clogged most community channels with requests or offers of invites instead of discussion about the game.

  In the end, Deadlock is promising, but it didn't grab me. Valve has time to make major changes—it’s still in alpha, after all—but as it stands its just a MOBA skinned in a unique theme. Keep an eye on it if you’re curious, but don’t be surprised if it falls short of expectations if you thought it was something new.

Monday, September 09, 2024

Monday Screenshots: A Tale of Two Deadlock Games

 I played Deadlock (Valve's new FPS MOBA) a good bit last week and over the weekend.  One of the more surprising hero choices I've picked up on is Mo & Krill.  While there are two characters you control them as a single unit with a melee brawler style.  Specifically a tunnel-under-the-ground brawler style.  

 I started out hot in my first game playing as Mo & Krill and bombed out in the second. Scoreboards below.  Fortunately my team still won both matches.

 First a look at Mo & Krill:

mo and krill deadlock


13-2 K/D!  Easily my best game of Deadlock


1-14 K/D!?  Easily one of my worst games of Deadlock... but we still won!

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Deadlocked No More

 I finally got my invite to play Deadlock.  More thoughts to arrive tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Deadlock Invite Problems

Update: I got an invite. If you need an invite let me know in the comments.

deadlock logo

 Deadlock is Valve's new hotness(mess?) available for testing, but only if you can get an invite from a current playtester.  For some players the invites happen almost instantaneously.  For others, like me, the invite never arrives.  The entire invite system is a bad idea and getting worse.

 At face value the invite system for Deadlock appears to be a way to limit how many testers are playing the game.  This makes sense and is not uncommon in testing phases of games.  The difference here is that other play testers have control of the invites and that, along with other issues, is where problems are starting.

 The first obvious issue that arises is "pay for invite" and the even more obvious "scammers will scam" that comes with it.  While many of the communities across Discord and Reddit for invites are banning anyone trying to pay for invites; inevitably someone was bound to get scammed.

 Next comes the behavior of "creating alt / second accounts" in the hope of getting a stuck invite to go through.  While I didn't create an alt account I did get my son's account invited and his invite came through in about 45 minutes (I've been waiting 5+ days now with dozens of invite attempts).

 With alt/second accounts comes the inevitable "selling account w/ Deadlock" access.  This is not my cup of tea and I can wait (or just play on my son's account when he is not playing anything).  However, there are some in the community that won't wait and will buy those second accounts which brings in it's own level of scams.

 Fear of missing out (aka FOMO) is also a huge part of the equation that drives the above.  Playing a game close to it's launch and during it's test period is a one-time affair.  If you miss out; you miss out.  Some players can't stand missing out so go above and beyond to get access.  Thus the situation becomes ripe for scammers.

 The question is whether other methods of test invites would avoid these problems?  Not exactly.  Steam does have "request test access" processes built in that many other games use.  At minimum this eliminates the "get scammed asking for an invite" from other players and does reduce how easy it is to get a second account set up to then try and sell.  It does not reduce FOMO.

 Personally I think Valve would have been better suited going the same way they have other games enter testing on their own platform. At least then players could confirm their invite status by simply going to the store page for the game.  End of day I just want to try the game and not miss out on the chance to learn the game while everyone else is learning it.

/signed "a frustrated Valve fanboy"

Friday, August 30, 2024

No Post Today - Blame Deadlock


 Just like last year there inevitably comes a day in Blaugust where I can't hit my daily post commitment, but there is a secret hack for Blaugust: just post something and it counts.  There are no rules except the rules you make for yourself. So as I said last year...

 Must watch Starfield streamsDeadlock streams.  This post still counts for Blaugust!

Thursday, August 29, 2024


 What the heck is Valve doing with Deadlock?  Apparently it's the hottest thing since sliced bread but you can only get a chance to play via another tester inviting you?  I've been invited, by multiple people now, but have yet to see the invite notification/email (waiting 24+ hours now).  So I'm stuck here watching videos instead.

 One video that I really liked was Day9s

  What I like about the video is the sure joy that Day9 espouses for the game.  Many content creators can use a lot of words and video minutes to say a game is good, but its rare to find one where you can read it on their face and in their actions on camera.  Day9 is really pleased talking about the game.

 I really can't wait to play this game.  I had seen the leaks/rumors about it but didn't pay much attention.  However, after seeing various videos like this one from Day9 I am very, very curious.

 I played a good bit of League of Legends and DOTA2.  Add HoN, HoTS, and several other MOBA games.  I feel like I am familiar with MOBA lane-based games to know what I'll like.  I even gave Smite a good try so feel like I've covered the landscape this genre has to offer.  

 Deadlock has an interesting theme and visual style which will go a long way for me as I've been in a "not fantasy" mood lately.  There seems to be a big cast of characters already in the game with a wide variety of styles supported.  As Day9 says in his video he found his style to play which wasn't dependent on being the best shot.  With that said the skill ceiling does look high but more due to variety and complexity than strictly ability to aim.

 Hopefully I'll get an invite in the next few days and can give the game a fair shake for some honest opinions.  Are you playing Deadlock? Waiting on your invite? What do you think?