Monday, September 09, 2024

Monday Screenshots: A Tale of Two Deadlock Games

 I played Deadlock (Valve's new FPS MOBA) a good bit last week and over the weekend.  One of the more surprising hero choices I've picked up on is Mo & Krill.  While there are two characters you control them as a single unit with a melee brawler style.  Specifically a tunnel-under-the-ground brawler style.  

 I started out hot in my first game playing as Mo & Krill and bombed out in the second. Scoreboards below.  Fortunately my team still won both matches.

 First a look at Mo & Krill:

mo and krill deadlock


13-2 K/D!  Easily my best game of Deadlock


1-14 K/D!?  Easily one of my worst games of Deadlock... but we still won!

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