Thursday, August 22, 2024

Staying Motivated for New World?

 It's Thursday of the "Staying Motivated" week for Blaugust 2024 and the desire to post every day is starting to weigh on me.  I have topics to cover such as recent Ashes of Creation drama, Hell Divers 2 losing it's luster, or dupes in Star Citizen but they just don't seem to pull words out of me.  I keep thinking about New World though and if I am going back to the game in October so I need to post to help me understand if I'm motivated to or not.

 The video below from Bowsense really got me thinking about it.  As a long time diehard New World fan the video does hurt to watch.  Maybe it is a little unfair in parts but it's over all theme is spot on.  I hate to say it but AGS has fumbled New World and having taken a break from playing daily I can look back with a more critical eye at the game.

 The video doesn't put New World in a great light so why am I still trying to find motivation to return?  For one I really enjoy the combat and how the game plays.  I play the game; not a UI like I am struggling with in other newer offerings like Throne and Liberty.  The combat is light years ahead after I tried out games like Elder Scrolls Online or more recent entries like Throne and Liberty or Once Human .  If players think New World is bad about bugs or unpolished features (which I disagree with) then I'd really like to see what they think of games like Once Human that are far buggier and less polished yet somehow don't take any heat for it (or lose players over it).

 As you can tell I still get a bit defensive about how New World is treated because I think there is a good base game there.  I was reminded today by a Reddit post today about one of the earliest trailers for the game.  That brought back so many memories of when I first discovered New World in its first preview beta event.  It reminded me that the promise of the game behind that trailer is still possible.

 So here I am recently re-motivated by the original 2021 trailer for New World holding onto the promise of the game it can be.  We need to see what the shift to New World: Aeternum brings and if the team can execute back to the promise.  I think I owe the game a fair try again in October.

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