Thursday, August 29, 2024


 What the heck is Valve doing with Deadlock?  Apparently it's the hottest thing since sliced bread but you can only get a chance to play via another tester inviting you?  I've been invited, by multiple people now, but have yet to see the invite notification/email (waiting 24+ hours now).  So I'm stuck here watching videos instead.

 One video that I really liked was Day9s

  What I like about the video is the sure joy that Day9 espouses for the game.  Many content creators can use a lot of words and video minutes to say a game is good, but its rare to find one where you can read it on their face and in their actions on camera.  Day9 is really pleased talking about the game.

 I really can't wait to play this game.  I had seen the leaks/rumors about it but didn't pay much attention.  However, after seeing various videos like this one from Day9 I am very, very curious.

 I played a good bit of League of Legends and DOTA2.  Add HoN, HoTS, and several other MOBA games.  I feel like I am familiar with MOBA lane-based games to know what I'll like.  I even gave Smite a good try so feel like I've covered the landscape this genre has to offer.  

 Deadlock has an interesting theme and visual style which will go a long way for me as I've been in a "not fantasy" mood lately.  There seems to be a big cast of characters already in the game with a wide variety of styles supported.  As Day9 says in his video he found his style to play which wasn't dependent on being the best shot.  With that said the skill ceiling does look high but more due to variety and complexity than strictly ability to aim.

 Hopefully I'll get an invite in the next few days and can give the game a fair shake for some honest opinions.  Are you playing Deadlock? Waiting on your invite? What do you think?

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