Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blaugust 2024: That's a wrap folks!

 Another Blaugust has come to an end.  Let's check in to see how I did:

 Posts: 31 - one a day!  Hooray!

 What about blaugchievements (we know this is the real reason I participate in Blaugust!)

  • Reading the Manual – Read the introductory blog post with the rules of the event.     Joining the Cause – Sign-Up for Blaugust.
    • Completed
  • Recruit a Friend – Convince another blogger to participate in Blaugust.
    • Failed; I have no friends
  • Spreading the Madness – Promote Blaugust on your blog or through your social media of choice.
    • Completed as the toots on Mastodon and posts on Blue Sky account for
  • Friend of Wumpus – Join the Blaugust Discord.
    • Completed
  • Sharing is Caring – Post your content in the “Share Your Content” Channel.
    • Completed; who doesn't love a judgement free zone to spam drop blog links
  • Forum of Friends – Take part in a discussion on the “Post Discussion” Channel.
    • Completed
  • The Pet Tax – Post a picture of an animal friend on the “Stuff and Things” Channel or create a blog post about them.
    • Failed
  • Friend Like Me – Answer a question posted on the Blagust Discord or help out a new blogger.
    • Failed
  • Shared Thoughts – Comment on a blog post from another Blaugust participant.
    • Completed; I made my rounds this year!
  • Federation of Bloggers – Sign up for a Fediverse account and follow the official Blaugust account.
    • Completed
  • Getting Inspired – Write a blog post inspired by a post from another Blaugust participant.
  • Pickup Group – Play a game or take part in an activity with one or more Blaugust participants.
    • Failed
  • Hot Topics – Write a blog post based on the Blaugust Prompt List.
  •  Welcome Wagon – Write a blog post based on the first week’s theme of Welcoming Folks to Blaugust.
  • Introduce Yourself – Write a blog post based on the second week’s theme of Introducing Yourself.
  • Creative Appreciation – Write a blog post based on the third week’s theme Appreciating the works of some Creative or Company.
    • Completed; see 1, 2, 3
  • Staying Motivated – Write a blog post based on the fourth week’s theme of how you have managed to Stay Motivated.
  • Lessons Learned – Write a blog post based on the fifth week’s theme explaining some of the Lessons you have Learned through Blaugust.
    • Completed
  • Going Platinum – Complete All of the Blaugchievements for Blaugust 2024.
    • Failed... :(

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