Sunday, August 04, 2024

Blaugust 2024: Kicking off Introduce Yourself Week

Welcome to week two of Blaugust 2024; outlined below:

 "Introduce Yourself Week (August 4th – August 10th) – The idea behind this week is to have some structured time around getting to know the other bloggers. I realize that those of us who are veteran bloggers might have already written half a dozen introduction posts by now, but it is a great time to share anything interesting you might have in your arsenal."

 As a veteran blogger I do have lots of different posts introducing myself.  I will refer you to my first post of Blaugust this year if you want some links and more info.   I also shared some info about the Real World me in that post but I left out one of my favorite hobbies: fishing.

fishing blog

 I've fished since I was a kid and used to spend every summer day down at my local fishing spots.  I was fortunate to grow up in a small town in the midwest with a local lake that I could ride my bike around.  Even when I finally got into video games with Sega Genesis I jumped outdoors every chance I got to go fishing.

 Speaking of video games I am a big fan of fishing games from Super Black Bass all the way to more modern takes like recent adventures in Russian Fishing 4 or Call of the Wild: The Angler.

 My dad also took us fishing from time to time and some core childhood memories were watching my dad rake away weeds near shore so we had a spot to fish for bluegill/sunfish (our local lake was very weedy at the shorelines).  Then we'd usually end up at A&W or Hardees for a lunch afterwards.  My dad always got a strawberry shake.  Good times.

 Also I am posting this as a dad myself who is getting ready to take my kids fishing later today.  We don't have a small town lake we can ride bikes to so it's a bit of a drive for a good fishing spot here, but I hope the memories for my kids form the same.  Though we won't be stopping at fast food afterwards today; if we did it would be Culvers (since they are now down here in the south).

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