Monday, July 22, 2024

Monday Screenshots: Throne and Liberty Global Beta

 I spent just over 12 hours in the Throne and Liberty global beta over the last few days and I have some screenshots to share.  More screenshots in my initial impressions post.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The giant flying whale is an amazing sight to behold.  Even more amazing is the fact you can jump on and ride the whale around the world!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The view distance is astounding in the game.  Being able to see far off landmarks gives a sense of scale to the world that many games fail to pull off.

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
The second main town (forget it's name)

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Did I mention I really, really liked the giant flying whale?

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Upgrade success!

A screenshot from Throne and Liberty
Interiors are well decorated and full of detail.

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