I have embedded the new What I'm Playing/What I'm Paying spreadsheet for June below. The overall spreadsheet (includes previous months) can be found here.
Game of the Month

Cost: $9.99
Played: 20 hours
3-words: casual Magic fun
While I didn't enter the month with a game of the month in mind, I ended the month with a winner in DotP. My three word description really fits the game.
Casual: DotP is all about getting in and playing Magic the Gathering. Some rules are simplified, the decks are pre-constructed, and the game is dead simple to operate. However, this can be a negative for anyone looking for a more hardcore Magic experience. I suggest those hardcore players look at the official Magic the Gathering Online.
Magic: any current or past fan of Magic the Gathering will immediately identify with the game. It is a solid representation of the game mechanics. The only part missing is the collectible aspect as card lists are set and there is no real collecting to be done, but that's OK as its not the focus of DotP.
Fun: this is a subjective term as some players just don't like card games and there is nothing here that will convince them to like them. But for those players that do enjoy card games, this is probably the best casual PC card game available. There are no booster packs to buy, decks to construct from scratch, or proxy cards to tape together. DotP is about getting to the fun of playing.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
I started my journey in Oblivion as a Wood Elf with the customer Heartless class (yes, I named a class after myself!). I've spent a few hours wandering around and enjoying the game. There is quite a bit to do without actually doing anything. It can be annoying sometimes, such as when you are trying to talk to someone and inadvertently steal the cup in front of them prompting a little run in the with the town guards, but once a player gets used to the game it is a fun game.
Total spent this Month: $18.49
My Value Rating: Excellent
For $18.49 I purchased two great games which are aiming to give me a couple hundred hours of playtime.
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